Sunday, February 14, 2021


 NASCAR! Why I follow the races: Every race is started with the National Anthem. Nobody is disrespectful enough to "take a knee."

Reminds me of the stock car races I attended in Jacksonville Illinois in the 1960's. Short dirt track, but still with the thrills and spills. 

The drivers treat each other with friendship and happy attitudes. They are like one big happy family. The pit crews are as talented as the drivers.

Reasons enough for me to stick with my favorite sport. MLB? Nope. NBA? no way. NFL? Done with that forever. NHL? They are on shaky ground. On probation. So we'll see.

The race is on now and my favorite has worked up from starting out in 18th place to 4th. Talent! Go #9!

No longer in the yellow house, but still small town dweller.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Parking Problems

I saw this meme on facebook yesterday,
I admit that's the easiest way. But back when I got my driver's license, 1953, it was required as part of the driving test.
I have to credit my Dad with teaching me to drive since there was no drivers ed. in school. After church one Sunday he drove to the edge of town, pulled to the side of the road, got out and motioned for me to get out also. I thought I had done something so bad I was going to be given a raking over the coals. Instead he just said get in, pointing to the driver's seat.
It was a straight highway, Route 100 going south toward Pearl (IL) and about 5 miles to home. I was shaking with nerves, but he was patient, telling me just what to do and when.
Don't remember which sibling it was, mumbling  "we're all gonna die." You will be happy to know all three of them are still among the living.
The parallel parking lesson came later, in Pittsfield, along a side street. It took more than one try to get it, but I did, a proud accomplishment. I have always loved driving. Thanks Dad.
I believe parallel parking has been reinstated as part of the driving test here in Oklahoma. Sorry about that kids.

A Memory from Grandma in the Yellow House

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wow!! Just discovered this blog is still here, after transferring everything to Word Press.

The Yanks are still in the yellow house, but only 2 of us. All the rest are out on their own, living lives of interest in various places. All the way from Hampton, Virginia to Wichita Falls, Texas, and one is trucking all over. So glad I don;t have to keep up with them all except by phone or internet.

Here's a thought for the day: Stop preaching about tolerance and free speech unless you plan to practice them yourself.  This thought is caused by all the protesting going on at political rallies, where free speech is being attempted to be silenced by loud-mouthed dissenters. Many of whom, by the way, are being paid to disrupt the proceedings.

Enough about that.

Thoughts from the yellow house.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Artist in the Family

We have several very talented artists in the family. I dabble some, but my son, David has more talent, though of a different kind. His drawings have mainly been the wild comic book sort, and he pretty much quit after picking up his first guitar.
He passed the talent on down to his daughter, Jessica, and the following is her latest creation.
She prefers a pencil and sketch paper for most of her work, and she does very well with it.
This fairy in winter is a gift she brought to her Grandpa and me today, and I plan to buy a glass front fame next trip to the store to preserve and protect it. Her inspiration was a photo in a book, with her personal touches added.
My other granddaughter is also a talented artist. I will have to add some of her drawings in another post.
Grandma in the yellow house who is done bragging on grandkids...for now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Visit from a Mini-Texan

She finally made it up to Oklahoma for a weekend visit. Our great-granddaughter D'Anna, who is 4. She was slow learning to talk, but she has now reached the "can't shut her up" stage. And we love it!
While they were here, D'Anna and Harley attacked our tiny little patch of snow and built a snowman, with rocks for eyes and a stick mouth and arms. Their construction efforts were hampered by the little Jack Russell terrier who came along on the visit.
He sort of looks like he is welcoming us with outstretched arms. And gloves. A nice touch. He lived a very short life, sad to say. Someone ran into him after which he was attacked and knocked to the ground. Now he's just a memory.
D'Anna went to Grandma Patti's for a visit before coming here and she had a good time with Diva, the rottweiler puppy. Diva has her own cage for sleeping, and D'Anna had to crawl inside and investigate. She stayed awhile, but no barking, she meowed instead. Poor dog...I'm sure she thought that was the strangest cat she'd ever seen.
While D'Anna was here she managed to pick a plastic flower from the back yard to take home with her. Haley and Harley helped take care of her while she was here. They come from a large family on their Dad's side, with lots of kids younger than them, so they have EXPERIENCE.
She has gone home to Vernon, TX and it may be weeks before we see her again.
Grandma in the yellow house who has super grandkids.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January in OK

This is a common sight in the early morning here in SW OK. The streetlights were still on, sun not quite up yet. Photo taken from my back yard fence.
Weather junkie that I am, I take lots of sunrise and sunset photos. God paints these beautiful scenes for us to enjoy, and I certainly do enjoy them.
Grandma in the yellow house, who hopes you enjoy God's handiwork too

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas in the yellow house

Christmas was celebrated at the yellow house this year, with most of the family present. Missing were Jack and family, and Michael, who went to his family for the day. They were missed. The camera battery went dead at the wrong time so we don't have many pictures to share.... Serenity got a cleaning caddy with mop, broom, dustpan, & vacuum. As you can see she put it to good use immediately.
Haley managed to hold the dog long enough to get his picture, but without his Santa hat. He lives at David's house.

Sunshine and Harley kept an eye on the proceedings. They didn't get to stay long, too many commitments. Michael has a large family so a lot of gatherings.

The same tree we have enjoyed for 5 or 6 years, and hope to continue for many more. The fiber optic lights are hypnotic to watch, and it really doesn't need extra decoration, but we use a few favorite things anyway.
We had our usual feast, that was way more than needed, but we also had some extra guests. Jack's (Wright) mother and sister came up from Lake Charles, LA for the week, so they were here with Jack and Jessica and Serenity, and one of Jessi's friends from school days, Katy McGee, stopped by so we filled a plate for her too. David also brought a friend along, her dog is pictured above. Of course uncle Farrell, and Patti and Randy were here.
I do love Christmas, but still I'm glad the hustle is done until next December.
I am hoping to do a little better about regular posts this year. but can't make it a promise, after all I am known as the worst (or best) procrastinator in the family.
Grandma in the yellow house who makes no promises....